Friday, December 30, 2011
SIKEMI....More than a Friend.
I know Lapeju and Bugy will agree with me on this post. You are a different person to each one of us, yet you just You. Often times when people walk into our lives, we can't estimate how long they would be there. Just like yesterday at Seico, I was in my shell and you found me.
OSU's journey seems like a coincidence but now I know its God's preplanned journey for us all.
Oh guys (Bukola & Lapeju) am writing this on behalf of us, I cant totally describe your thoughts but sharing this journey with you I do have an idea, Pls I urge you to add the areas I dint touch.
Right from the beginning it felt more like you are more than a friend. And today that's what it is. Your home is ours, Your family Our family. A lot of times we know God Has special being HE created, not because they don't have flaws but the way He made them "UNCOMMON". I must have mentioned how much you remind me of Aunty Peju until I found out you share same month. As much as you remind me of her, you both occupy different space in my World.
Now am diverting, back on track this is suppose to be a special birthday wish for a wonderful Sister.
Our Prayer " Everything got started in HIM and finds its purpose in HIM.
Today we celebrate what HE planned before you ever existed.
Your life is a blessing given by God's Loving hands.
We pray today and everyday that you will move forward armed with
Faith $ Love, Discovering the blessings HE has set forth for you...
Remembering that we love you but more importantly that HE does.
Words aint enough to express our Joy and Gratitude for having you in our Lives. We just Celebrate Him in You.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Its barely 7days to go and I already feel like goodbye. Woke up reflecting on as much event as I could remember in the year. The Joy, the pain, the Love, hurts, growth, disappointment, betrayal, inspiration and the list is endless. Luther sang "RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE" LIFE CAN TREAT YOU GOOD AND TURN AS COLD AS ICE. Life brings so much to us but in all this we shape or break our existence.
All the good and bad are what made us who we are right now. Have you had time to think about how you lived this year? The things you wish to change, the change you have made. As much as I feel bad about some decisions I made, Am proud of myself for some. The imbalance of Life keeps us going. I don't wanna bore you but use this medium to reach as many as I can. For everyone who has caused me pain, I receive strength to Forgive, for all I have caused Pain in this year I seek for forgiveness. For all those who has inspired me and that i have inspired, I pray for more Grace. For every Joy have had, I give God Praise. For Growth in my Spiritual life I owe it to God. For every friend have made, I love you,To my main crew (Pj,bugy & BK) I love you more. How can I forget my BB group Comedy Central,Its a source of laughter when am feeling blue and all the true friends i made from CC,KEEP THE FIRE BURNING.
I cant mention you all but everyone who has made an Impact in my life this year, am blessed to have you in my life. To those who're gone, Its for an appointed time. "no hates"
To My wonderful Baba Arike, My Special Unc D & BESTEST Aunty Pj, you all rock my World. Iya Arike aint left in this Journey, GOD bless you all. To my jewel (MO) My life is incomplete without you.
God. Jesus,
New year,
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
When you check my previous post (FORGIVE & FORGET), My focus was more on others. Today I feel its even easier to forgive others than ourself. Personally when something little happen, I go back to my mistakes and I keep condemning my self. I hear people lie to themselves and blame others for their own mistakes but when I self examine, I blame myself more than I blame people. I believe for every wrong people do to us, we have our own contribution, we allowed it. But today I have a different notion, its ok to self examine, access your wrongs and correct it for future occurrence but don't dwell on it, that's the root of bitterness.
Let me ask you? How many times have you blamed yourself for a mistake? Tell me! when you do, does it change anything? of cos not, it only makes you weary and down and sometimes slow you down from forging ahead.
I urge you, try as much as you can to feel bad about your mistakes and wrong decisions but don't stay there. This is not automatic! Am a witness. The best thing you can do for yourself is learn from it and continue your Journey.
The bible says in Matt 18:21-23 "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.“Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.
We cant achieve the above if we live in self condemnation. I am going to try it from this minute to Forgive myself
. My post are about me but this particular one is truly me. We all need this prayer of SERENITY!
DR I kept this very close to my heart, its strength for me in all this.....THANK YOU.
Monday, December 12, 2011
I don’t know why the heart doesn’t do what the mind tells it. Often we let our pain and emotions rule over us, rather if we use our head we would come with a better result. If you desire a fresh start you need to clean your slate. Yes CLEAN YOUR SLATE- its not as easy as it reads, it very painful but the end result is perfect. On a Monday morning rather than work I felt like breakfast outside somewhere with people I can be real with, not where I have to pretend to be laughing but deep inside am in pain. The best quite time I have is when am driving alone to no where or somewhere, that few minutes I have with myself is so precious and realistic. This morning I remember when I was a kid n lost in my lonely World, dint have a relationship with God but I know there is someone called God who created. I use to ask who am I? Who is God? Who are the people around me? I don’t know if anyone ever felt like that. A state of mind when you are so lost in your creation. I feel so selfless, careless, carefree, and heartless; I don’t know the best words to describe my feeling. The only way I express my self now is write the words in my thought! Wait a minute, how real can one write ones tot? What life do we live in when we have to fake everything, even the way we feel? Ever had days when your mind and thought is so blank you begin to ask yourself what’s happening to you. Searching for answers within yourself, asking am I acting someone else’s character, what happened to me?
Can’t remember if this has happened in a very long time but it’s been 3days now and I don’t know who I am? Tots are blank, I am blank… am trying to do the usual just to get back to myself but I don’t know how…Does this happen to you? Am speaking to my inner voice asking what’s wrong with me? Things I see my self do, don’t know if I would do them normally.
Rather than stay at work I just want to get my tots out maybe it would help me concentrate. I feel like am trapped in someone else’s skin or someone else’s is trapped inside of me.
Anyone wondering how I decided to update my blog if I don’t know who this is or does anyone feel me? Does any one understand what am saying? Has anyone of you felt like this?
I don’t even know what to pray……
What’s wrong with me? I hear only the words I write because its words from my tot!
Isn’t there room for a fiction writer who can write real life events just as they are, Raw fictions not just writing for peoples interest? I even get surprised, people claiming they are writing their biography but it’s not as true as it should be.
A friend of mine often says my generation is waiting to be mentored by me. Mentored wit what, the lives that we live these days? Hell no…. I aint gonna be party to leading people through this fake life of ours. Let’s teach the imperfect us and not just the perfect.
When you pray about something or someone praying a prayer of revelation for u, pause before you say Amen, cos I tell you sometimes you can’t handle the revelations you get….
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Not Easily Broken
I cant forget part of the lyrics of Mary Mary's song which say " Come to far from where I started from, nobody told me the road would easy, BUT TRULY AM SAYIN THIS NOW LORD I KNOW YOU HAVEN'T BROUGHT ME THIS FAR TO LEAVE ME"
I read the T.d Jakes book not easily broken, I even watched the Movie and cried so much. Reflecting back right now I realise, we re who we're for certain reason or reasons. oh I say it a lot am such a baby but lookin back uptil this minute, I can say this it takes only a strong person to still be standing. Challenges are there for a reason I agree, when it happens it seems like we cant overcome it but with the great Overcomer, Its doable.
A BIG THANK YOU LORD, from January, I thank you for every hour, every minute, every seconds, my wrong decisions, the right one, my pain, my joy, the people around me and most of all the gift of life..
Sekemi I believe it more now when you say am a strong one, I don't see myself like that...........I owe it all unto the giver of my tender heart yet making me strong. I love you Lord more and more I am grateful for your work in me.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Sincerely how many times has any one of you reading this wish you could turn back the hands of time on a particular issue. How many times have you wished someone could live for longer or if someone could stay longer in your life, maybe you would have done things differently?
Last week my friend posted a picture on her BB “DP” and wrote gone too soon, I asked her what happened,How could this cute face be gone? Are you for real? And she told me don’t you remember him in school. I have a very faint memory of him but yet no one wish to lose a friend especially not that young. Yesterday I saw his wedding ring and found out he got married early this year. I began to wonder, how is she feeling right now? What are the things on her mind she wish she did? if only it ever cross her mind he would only be with her for a very short sure she wish she can undo that day, she wish he dint go out, she wish the bullet hit someone else and not him.
How many people have left our lives through death and other unforeseen circumstances and we wish we can undo our actions? How many people have lost someone so close to them and her struggling to recover?
I have things I wish I can redo, But have learnt that some of the wrong decisions we make are like death. We can’t bring the love ones we have lost back BUT we can do something, LIVE FOR THE every moment of your life like it’s your last. Relate with your love ones like you want, the moment you realise you have gone wrong Correct it immediately..You only have the moment, you can’t turn back the hands of time. Be remembered for the best and true you can be, most of all have the right relationship with the Maker.
Dedicated to all of you who have lost someone very special to death or other tragic circumstances......
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Best of Maya Angelou.....I am a Phenomenal woman are you?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
you know i love you,
lord even the pores of my skin,
the strands of my hair
pulsate with the intensity
of my love.
the rushing winds
carry my praise
songs to you.
the swishing springs
leaping merrily
bears witness to
the unrestrained burst
of mylove.
all i ask of you lord
is strenthen me
every moment
so i can feel the magic of
your creation
my heart swells with joy
as no mortal knows
when i hear
the thunder roar
and see the
rolling waves of
the boundless seas
i know
you are the greatest
when at night
i behold the galaxy
the moon beckoning me
i feel your
unbounding majesty
i see i am
part of you
infinite essence
i shall fear
no fall
for i know
you'll be there
to lift me up
lord you are the greatest
there is none like thee.
the omnipotent,the incomprehensible essence of a supreme force,the incomparable genius of an undeniable presence.
Its my favorite piece from CHIM NEWTON,Have bin looking for a way to share this Am glad i have.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Forgive and Forget!!!
This is a topic I know am struggling with for years, especially the forgetting part. Correct me if am wrong, I think its easier to kiss and make up but it almost impossible to forget.
Often times we here they say the Holy Spirit can help you to forgive, but if the hurt keep staring at you or in a case where the person you are trying to forgive of past Hurt is still doing it. how do you deal with this?
All i know about this post is that when you forgive its for yourself but i tell you its easier said than done. I for one know we can do all things through Christ hence am asking for the Grace to deal with this............For this post i want more contribution. i Need help in this area. holding someone in your heart cages you........
Its easier for people to tell you what to do, cos they dont feel what you feel......But this is true.....when you forgive, it heals deep inside....
Once more i seek for Grace to do badly Lord....
holy spirit,
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Most times when we get lazy to do some prominent things, We should not allow the flesh to overcome us because something special might be on the way. I got up very lazy to go to church today, I made too many excuses within myself. don't get me wrong I love to be in His presence, but most times I use the evening service to make up for the morning one...Its not enough. I dragged myself reluctantly got dressed and took my little Prince off we go.........As I drove, I was meditating on what I would speak about when am leading prayer in the prayer group next week. A whole lot of ideas came but then I could hear a quiet voice tell me, stop trying I would lead you.
So I got to church and the service went as normal until the message time, and I knew right away why I came to church today. Presently am part of a ministry where have joined various group in other to be of services to the ministry and community at large, Its an Outreach. I avoid being a worker in church,I let my shyness and all other excuses take me away. Infact the first church I serviced, I did a behind the scene work which I loved but serving is not about where we want to be,rather where he want to send us. before I go into details of the topic, I would like to include the dictionary meaning of each word.
Volunteer can simply be defined as A person who renders aid, performs a service, or assumes an obligation voluntarily, while the Act of Service is simply defined as the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone. my opinion, they both mean the same thing but I think I heard this message because I need to change my attitude towards the service am rending to people especially in the house of God. Most of us when we are called to serve, we don't see it as a privilege, some of us even agree to do it just to please the Pastor. if you are reading this right now and you are serving your community, church or any other organization voluntarily ask yourself now, Why am I doing this? It is because we don't know why we are doing it that is why we don't give the right attitude to it.
I realized today that the call I got to serve is not from anyone but the King Himself, It is the reason I was saved. Its not like we don't know this things but when we are reminded, It help us get the right spirit in whatever we do. We make excuses like volunteering is for some special people. We are called to serve 1 Peter 4:10 "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace" we are called to serve in His army...God's will and God's way.
We are not just called to work in the ministry or our community for their gain,Its much deeper than that,we have to realize He is calling us to serve in His army. He might even ask us to do what we don't like. This days people only want to do the forefront work not dirty work, we do not realize Its the little we all do that actually rescue someone. When we are serving we think nothing is happening but the little we do has its daily effect.
Our service is our Gratitude to His Love.I urge you today if you are already serving or still thinking about it. Do it with the right attitude, Live with a passion for His will, Serving is not a feeling. Our service should be Love and Gratitude based not Need base.Let your passion lead you by His spirit. Start where you can, with what you have. God is positioning you to check if there is a willingness to serve Him. Your service can rescue someone. All our service put together can rescue a life. He requires commitment from us.Take up what you have and give it.
But remember none of this things can be done on our own. To serve right, Work under the control of the Holy Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to work His work through you. Live a life yielded to the Holy Spirit and serve with Joy. A grateful people knowing what we have been saved for.Duet28:47. Be Joyful serving, Serve the king with Gladness.... As for me and my household we would serve the Lord....
holy spirit,
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
There are many kinds of love in this world, but none of them is as great and enduring as the Love that God has shown towards us. He loves us so much that despite our rebelliousness and sins, He still gave up His most precious treasure – His Son, in order to redeem us back to Him.
It is hard to imagine what it must have been like to give up something so dear. Yet, God did so willingly in order for us to once again enter His loving presence. It is through this finished work of Jesus – the laying down of His life for us, that we can now call God our Father.
This is the kind of love that is of the highest form, the kind of love that never stops, and selflessly puts others first. It doesn’t force itself on others by saying, “Look at me!” But instead, quietly goes about offering itself to all who would draw from it. It never keeps score of how much it has given, or how much is owed towards it. It always trusts, never looks back, but steps up and presses on to the end.
This is the Love of God, for God IS Love, and when we choose to dwell in Him, He shall be able to love others through us.
I believe words are feeble when used to describe the Love of God. But my hope is that through the quotations on love below, you can but have a glimpse of how deep and how wide God’s Love for you really is.
May you have a fresh revelation of God’s Love, and be able to feel the loving embrace of our Father as He watches over you. And may we too be able to extend the same kind of love to those around
It is hard to imagine what it must have been like to give up something so dear. Yet, God did so willingly in order for us to once again enter His loving presence. It is through this finished work of Jesus – the laying down of His life for us, that we can now call God our Father.
This is the kind of love that is of the highest form, the kind of love that never stops, and selflessly puts others first. It doesn’t force itself on others by saying, “Look at me!” But instead, quietly goes about offering itself to all who would draw from it. It never keeps score of how much it has given, or how much is owed towards it. It always trusts, never looks back, but steps up and presses on to the end.
This is the Love of God, for God IS Love, and when we choose to dwell in Him, He shall be able to love others through us.
I believe words are feeble when used to describe the Love of God. But my hope is that through the quotations on love below, you can but have a glimpse of how deep and how wide God’s Love for you really is.
May you have a fresh revelation of God’s Love, and be able to feel the loving embrace of our Father as He watches over you. And may we too be able to extend the same kind of love to those around
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