Tuesday, November 22, 2011


you know i love you, lord even the pores of my skin, the strands of my hair pulsate with the intensity of my love. the rushing winds carry my praise songs to you. the swishing springs leaping merrily bears witness to the unrestrained burst of mylove. all i ask of you lord is strenthen me every moment so i can feel the magic of your creation my heart swells with joy as no mortal knows when i hear the thunder roar and see the rolling waves of the boundless seas i know you are the greatest when at night i behold the galaxy the moon beckoning me i feel your
unbounding majesty i see i am part of you infinite essence i shall fear no fall for i know you'll be there to lift me up lord you are the greatest there is none like thee. the omnipotent,the incomprehensible essence of a supreme force,the incomparable genius of an undeniable presence. Its my favorite piece from CHIM NEWTON,Have bin looking for a way to share this Am glad i have.


Anonymous said...

Wow,that a beautiful and imaginable way to talk of the love and affection which the lord as shown you. And the way you see him,HE IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION

Anonymous said...

Poetry is Me!!!