Thursday, May 16, 2013

LETTER TO TYLER -turning off my reverse alarm.

If some of the people we see and admire today didn't rise up to pursue their God given purpose, they wont be the icon we aspire to emulate. We can't achieve that living in the Past. Mr Tyler Perry your messages, movies are source of inspiration to my life and this particular write up is setting me free, I wanted to reply the e-mail but couldn't,This seems like the best way I could, by sharing it with people who read my blog, those who don't have the opportunity of being in your mailing list like I am. At one point or the other everyone of us turn on the reverse alarm and it has kept us where we are now. I do this over and over again, even when am aware I can't change the past, I let the thought limit me but right now am turning it off. If i have to read this message everyday till it sinks in, I will do just that. What are you gonna do? Your generation is waiting for you.... If Mr Tyler didn't switch his reverse alarm off his message wont be a blessing to someone like me far away in Africa. Redeem your God given time, forget about the wasted years and start changing life today. I hope his message to me bless you as well.... "That Is Your Past And There Is No Future In It" Hey Ibukun, We have some golf carts at the studio. We use them to run around the campus, getting actors from here to there and so on. But the thing that bothers me the most about them is that when you put them into reverse a beeping alarm goes off. And it doesn’t stop until you go forward. It is so annoying to be in the middle of a shot, when I need it very quiet, to hear that beeping noise. I wanted the facilities guys to disconnect the reverse alarm but I was told that they couldn’t because it is a safety measure. The alarm is there to let people know that you’re about to go backwards. I walked back to my office thinking about this and this thought popped into my head: wouldn’t it be great if we as humans had an annoying alarm that made a loud continuous beep when we are about to go into reverse? When we’re about to look back, like when you’re about to pick up that phone and call an ex that you know is no good for you, wouldn’t it be great if that alarm went on and stayed on until you hung up the phone? Wouldn’t it be great for all the people around you to hear that alarm so that they know you are about to go backwards and bring up some old crap? I think husbands and boyfriends would love that… LOL. But seriously, there are a lot of people who are living their lives stuck in reverse, alarms going off, beeps beeping very loudly, but they can't get it out of reverse. You know these kinds of people, the ones that nobody wants to be around because they can be so annoying, always dwelling on the past. Full of “I wish I had done this” or “I wish I could have done that”. These kinds of people are sad to me, not focusing on the beauty of today, they’d rather dig through the ashes of yesterday. Listen to me, you can’t change anything that you have done in your past, all you can do is go forward. No matter how many mistakes you have made, no matter how many things you have done wrong, you have got to move forward. That is your past and there is no future in it. And the only way to move forward is to ask for forgiveness from the people who you have hurt and wronged. Whether they forgive you or not you must ask… sorry that’s just the way it is. If you don’t you will continue to reap bad things from what you have done to them, even if they don’t forgive you. You will have the power to be free because you asked for forgiveness. And secondly, you must forgive yourself. Forgiveness is the key that can move your life forward… and turn off the reverse alarm. Talk soon, Tyler

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Our life is guided by the choices we make. Its your choice if you allow the judgment or the perception of people around determine the way you see yourself, it’s your choice if you permit the negative thoughts to take precedent in your life. Its your choice if you let the devil twist the promise of God in your life, it’s your choice who you choose to believe. How many of you have heard positive things about your life and you choose to listen to the version of the negative voice. We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. if we spend more time replaying the negative version of our promises that’s what we will produce. People are failing to produce not because they don’t have the will, but they believe they don’t hence they don’t act in order to produce. Even the bible says faith without work is dead (James 2:14-26). It’s amazing how the perspective of others take over our lives, A friend of mine was lied to and when she found out the truth and confronted the person, he made her look stupid yet she was lied to. Who is supposed to feel bad? My friend or the liar? That’s how much other peoples view can affect us. Even the past is a strong limitation, Mavin Sapp said in his song titled “THE BEST IN ME” that God only sees us for who we are and not what we did, He formed us, so He sees us for who He actually made us to be not by the past error. Why do we let the past dictate the future? Why do we let the view of someone who is imperfect be a barrier. Tyler Perry said it doesn’t matter if a million people tell you what you can’t do or ten million people tell you no. if you get a Yes from God that’s all you need. What you choose to believe is your choice, it’s up to you to counter the negative words and replace them with the positive words that the Lord has given to you in the bible. Don’t let the devil and his agents rule you…..ITS YOUR CHOICE.